Paint with the internet

Paint with the internet

Why just browse the internet when you can create it? Arc includes some fun but powerful tools that make publishing ideas to the web, building custom dashboards, or even tweaking the colors and layouts of your favorite websites simple. Well, maybe not that last part (unless you’re a web developer!), but you’ll get the idea.


Easel is a new kind of canvas, made right in your browser.

It’s a place to save everything you find online, but also a great way to brainstorm, mood-board, collect inspiration, or even write stories. You can keep them private, collaborate with friends, or share them with the world.

Just click Capture in the URL bar to clip bits and pieces of your internet to an Easel. Each clip links back to where you found it, like in this Easel from Kristina on our team.

To create an Easel:

Click the + icon at the bottom of the sidebar → “New Easel”
CMD + T → "New Easel"

Live Capture

This one is magic. Capture part of a webpage, add it to an Easel, and interact with the webpage live right in the Easel. We like to use live capture to stay up to date on concerts coming up, stocks, dashboards, and more.

To add a live capture:

Click on the 📷 icon in the URL field, capture a web page, add it to an Easel, and then click the ▶️ icon on the capture.


Make your home on the internet truly yours. Pick a color or a gradient to match the vibe of each of your Spaces.

To create a theme:

Click the 🖌 icon next to your space’s name at the top of the sidebar
CMD + T → "Edit Theme"

Custom Tabs

Keep your Sidebar tidy by renaming tabs, changing their icons, and more.

To rename a tab:

Double-click on a tab name
CMD + T → "Rename Current Tab"

To change a tab’s icon:

Right-click on a tab → “Change Icon”


We believe in a web that is truly wide open — where you can write, edit, and create the web as you go. Boosts are a really early experiment reimagining the extension developer experience as 10x easier, faster, and more enjoyable to use — right in Arc. Watch this video to learn more!

To create a Boost:

Click the + icon at the bottom of the sidebar → “New Boost”
CMD + T → "New Boost"